DIY Peppermint Lip Balm

Lip Balm Blog

This DIY Peppermint Lip Balm recipe took me from start to finish only about 10 minutes to make. It feels great on my lips and is about as clean as it comes, with only two ingredients plus optional peppermint essential oil in the entire recipe.

While you can find empty plastic chapstick dispensers on Amazon, I chose to get several 1 oz reusable glass containers to ease my conscience regarding plastic landfill waste.


Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Coconut Oil – some mention that unrefined is preferable for the most natural end product, but this was already in my cabinet and it worked beautifully.IMG_9917
  • Organic, cosmetic-grade beeswax pellets IMG_9916
  • Peppermint Essential Oil (I had Young Living Brand on hand and used that).

The ratio for the ingredients for this simple recipe is 1 part coconut oil to 1 part beeswax pellets, with 3 drops of essential oil per tablespoon used.  

I used 8 Tablespoons of each and ended up with 5 and 1/2 ounces of lip balm, which was kind of nice because I had a 1/2 ounce to test out and 5 perfect ones to give as gifts.


  1. Measure your Beeswax first in a microwave safe bowl (or double boiler is another option on stovetop).
  2. Heat the Beeswax 45 seconds at a time (if using the microwave) until it is almost completely melted.
  3. Once it begins to liquify, add an equal ratio of the coconut oil.
  4. Whisk together the oil and beeswax until all of it is completed melted and blended.
  5. Add three drops of oil per tablespoon (So for example, if you made a batch like I did, with 8 Tablespoons of Beeswax, 8 Tablespoons of Coconut Oil, you’d use 24 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil.)  
  6. Quickly pour the balm into your containers, as it will begin to solidify in no time.  You can see in the image below that my balm began solidifying before I was done pouring into my containers.
  7. After it cools, seal and enjoy!IMG_9919

I found and adapted the recipe from a blog called One Little Project at a Time.  This was quick, easy, chemical-free and makes a lovely gift for friends!


So why make stuff that is often easier and cheaper to buy? I like to do projects like this because, for me, making stuff is just plain fun – at times even meditative. But equally as important to me is the fact that there are often far fewer chemicals in things that are homemade.  I also tend to appreciate the things I take time to bring to life by hand more than anything I quickly purchase on impulse.

Humans are wired to create. I find it interesting that when I take time to make things, I am more deeply satisfied with how I have spent my day.  Additionally I also love the bonus of community-building that can occur when I share or trade the things I make with others.

Try making something this week, however simple, and see if it doesn’t enrich your life too!


If you’d like support creating your own rituals, yardsteading and nature connection practices, check out The Handmade Life!  There I offer nature-based coaching sessions, share herbal traditions, handcrafted goods, DIY workshops and herbal consultations.

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